


There is a ‘presence’ haunting the long forgotten church of ‘Northfield’. Angry spirits seek revenge for an ancient crime, from the terrible time of The Black Death. Ghost-hunter, Nigel Danvers, has been sent to investigate the case, using his kitbag of ghost-hunting gadgets, on the loneliest night of the year.

A ghost hunting gothic adventure, set in an isolated Church on Christmas Eve. Trapped in a time loop, the main hero (Nigel Danvers) encounters ghosts from various periods of history, from the Black Death to the near future. Use the gadgets and surveillance to learn the ghosts are also forced to live out Christmas Eve over and over. Anger and vengeance turns to pleading. To escape the trap, Nigel must make a dreadful decision, he can exorcise only one spirit, leaving the rest damned forever.

“We’re stuck here, Christmas Eve, on and on…one endless night…”

It’s the middle of Winter, in rural Anglia. A bitter snow storm has driven the country folk to the warmth and safety of their household fires, as a bleak midwinter drowns the world in white. The storm has disturbed the spirits, the ghosts of Northfield from ages past, they wander the Carrion Woods and long forgotten graveyards. Some are lost souls, damned by actions long ago, whereas others seek revenge and retribution.